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Diary of a Pilgrimage & They and I

Джером К. Джером


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Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist. Diary of a Pilgrimage is a story of a journey to see the famous Passion Play at Oberammergau, which has been performed every ten years since 1634. The book is a witty account of this journey, part travelogue and part social commentary. They and I is a charming story in which fiction is intertwined with autobiographical motifs, and humor goes side by side with delicate lyricism. How difficult for an English gentleman, burdened not only with self-esteem, but also with three teenage children, to settle in a country house? Is it easy to turn a modest building into a historical landmark? On these and many other questions you will find the most unexpected and amusing answers in this novel.

Джером К. Джером
РИПОЛ классик
Original. The Complete Works of

