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The Rover

Джозеф Конрад


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Joseph Conrad was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. The Rover is a novel of naval life in Napoleonic France. After forty years of piracy on Eastern seas, Citizen Peyrol returns to his native France, a country now ravaged and scarred by revolution and war. Looking for peace in which to end his days, he withdraws to a safe harbor in a remote farmhouse on Escampobar Peninsula, which looks out to the distant Mediterranean, where the lovely Arlette lives with her aunt and the revolutionary Scevola. But the arrival of young Lieutenant Real calls Peyrol once again to action in a mission of danger, patriotism and heroism.

Джозеф Конрад
РИПОЛ классик
Original. The Complete Works of

